Star Citizen Error Code 16007

This page is only visible to registered members.

Here's how to fix it.

  1. Closes the RSI Launcher.
  2. Show hidden folders if they don't already exist. (See image below) The AppData folder is originally hidden.
  3. Open your Explorer and navigate to the following folder C: \ Users \ "Your username" \ AppData \ Roaming \
  4. Under Roaming you will find 2 RSI folders. 1st RSI Launcher and 2nd rsilauncher
  5. Deletes these 2 folders and restarts the RSI Launcher.
  6. Now the launcher should open with the instruction to register again. After logging in, the error should be gone and you can join the game again.

Comments 1

  • Im Moment funktioniert es mit dieser Anleitung nicht, da es ein allgemeines Serverproblem mit den Datenbanken bei CIG gibt.

    Mir hat es geholfen den Launcher richtig zu beenden und erneut zu öffnen. Manchmal 2-3 mal hintereinander.